Gear Up Your Home For Springtime Cleaning


New Year’s and Christmas have gone back long, but the shuddering winter winds still continue to torment almost everyone alike. With the cold wave that continues to flow unabated, a lethargic lifestyle and laziness seems to be set by default for almost everyone around. It seems like one Herculean task to move out of your warm couch and work on something productive during these bitter winters.

Spring is however fast approaching and just a few weeks away. The traditional top-to-bottom cleaning in your homes during springtime will leave you with no time to enjoy the best time of the year. It is hence, better to start gearing up for spring right on time.

Read along to know how to move out of the couch and gear up for springtime cleaning:

Get set with cleaning!

Winters are the perfect time to begin with cleaning projects in your home. They are easily the best times to determine what to keep and what all to donate or dispose off. Some ways to get your homes sparkling clean for winter time have been discussed below:

1. Heating equipment– Winters are those times when people choose to warm their homes with fireplaces or indoor heating systems. If you’re looking to begin with the cleaning tasks, start with cleaning your heating equipment. Make sure you replace the filters and make your homes more energy-efficent. Consider dusting and vacuum cleaning heating equipment so that clean air can be circulated in your home at all times.

2. Windows– In order to make winters more cozy and comfortable, people burn fireplaces and switch on their heating systems. This affects windows of your home adversely, as it leads to formation of a thin film on your windows. The thin film hence formed, can appear quite unsightly and can be removed using a vinegar mixture to brighten your windows.

3. Ceiling– Most of us seldom realize the negative impact of winters on our homes, Ceilings, the most overlooked part of our homes are often subjected to moisture and dust. Mostly kitchen ceilings are greatly overused. With time, smoke, fumes and moisture accumulate and form a sticky film on these ceilings. It is imperative to wash the ceilings of your homes, especially the kitchen ceiling, to get rid of the sticky film.

4.Gutters– Most people consider cleaning their gutters during these times. Tackling the gutters and garages before springtime may sound like opening the Pandora’s box of troubles. It is however, one of the most essential home-improvement that must be dealt with on time. During winters, the wind-storms cause formation of huge debris of dust and fallen leaves. These cause gutters to clog and later, interfere with its proper functioning.

5.Garages and self storage units– Garages are often full of fallen leaves and dust as well, owing to the harsh windstorms. If left unclean for long, these may cause problems with machinery of vehicles and other items you store there. You may also choose to clean your supposedly secure self storage during winters, so that you can later place all your essential items back into their places during spring or summer. Regular cleaning of your self storage units shall only make your ‘Springtime Cleaning’ easier than before.

Remodel and organize your homes

One of the most essential aspect of Springtime cleaning is proper organization. You must organize your mudrooms and closets properly, so that your home looks squeaky clean during spring. You can also consider remodeling your homes on a smaller scale. Consider refurbishing your doors by simply painting them, or replacing the doorknobs. You can also mold flat doors and make them appear elegant. Invest on installing a back-splash in your kitchen to put an end to all your kitchen cleaning woes.

Timely cleanliness, small remodeling ideas and proper organization can transform your home into a haven of cleanliness and hygiene. You can even evade the tedious ‘Springtime cleaning’ if you follow these simple ideas. Who knows, you may even consider spending all your springtime on a long enjoyable holiday!

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